About Owls



檔案大小:243.3 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 6.1 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。


About Owls(圖1)-速報App

What do owls eat?

Where do they sleep?

About Owls(圖2)-速報App

Can they see in the daytime?

Young readers will find answers to these and many other questions about owls in this lively, informative book.

About Owls(圖3)-速報App

They’ll discover that there are many different kinds of owls, living in every country in the world. They’ll learn what all owls have in common, how they differ from each other, and some of the popular mythology that surrounds them.

The author focuses on three owls – the Elf Owl, the Barn Owl, and the Great Horned Owl. She tells what each looks like… where he lives… what he eats… how he hunts for food… and how he escapes his enemies.

About Owls(圖4)-速報App

May Garelick is the author of many award-winning books for young readers, including Where Does the Butterfly Go When It Rains?, Look at the Moon, and What Makes a Bird a Bird?

About Owls(圖5)-速報App
